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dc.contributor.authorBarannyk, Kostyantyn-
dc.contributor.authorBalalaev, Oleksandr-
dc.contributor.authorIshkov, Valeriy-
dc.contributor.authorMolchanov, Robert-
dc.contributor.authorBarannyk, Serhiy-
dc.identifier.citationComplex determination of the identification of urinary stones in patients residents of the industrial region / Barannyk Kostyantyn, Balalaev Oleksandr, Ishkov Valeriy, Molchanov Robert, Barannyk Serhiy // Міжнародний науковий журнал «Грааль науки»: за матеріалами V Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції «Scientific researches and methods of their carrying out: world experience and domestic realities» (ГО «Європейська наукова платформа» (Вінниця, Україна), ТОВ «International Centre Corporative Management» (Відень, Австрія), 17 лютого 2023 р.). – Вінниця, Відень, 2023. – №24. – С. 669-676.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractPhysico-chemical, biological and biochemical processes that occur during the formation of urinary stones determine the peculiarities of their composition and structure, as evidenced by modern methods of analysis: spectral, X-ray, polarization, optical, immersion, infrared spectrometry, etc. Modern Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a powerful instrument for identifying organic and inorganic substances by measuring the infrared (IR) absorption spectrum. It provides qualitative information about the molecular composition of the target material. The analysis of the results of the identification of urinary stones of patients, residents of the industrial region by the Mid-FTIR Spectroscopy method showed advantages among similar methods of studying urinary stones and proved the feasibility of its use in the complex examination of patients with urolithiasis. Accurate analysis of the primary and secondary chemical composition and spatial distribution of stone components will lead to an understanding of the physicochemical processes that form the basis of the pathogenesis of stone formation. Spectral monitoring of the chemical composition of urine is important for early diagnosis, effective personalized treatment and prevention of stone recurrence in patients with urolithiasisuk_UA
dc.subjecturinary stonesuk_UA
dc.subjectinfrared spectrometryuk_UA
dc.subjectspectral monitoringuk_UA
dc.titleComplex determination of the identification of urinary stones in patients residents of the industrial regionuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра геології та розвідки родовищ корисних копалин

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