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dc.contributor.authorBorodin, Yevgeniy-
dc.contributor.authorZhorniak, Andrii-
dc.contributor.authorPodplota, Svitlana-
dc.identifier.citationBorodin Ye. Social Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraine / Yevgeniy Borodin, Andrii Zhorniak, Svitlana Podplota // Copernicus Political and Legal Studies. – № 4. – 2022. – Pp. 94-105.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe main directions of Ukraine’s social policy towards the disabled are presented in the article. Topical issues of integration of persons with disabilities into society are covered. The meaning of the concept of “social stigmatization” is revealed. The authors analyze and define the tools of social stigma in the legislation of Ukraine on issues of social integration of persons with disabilities. It has been proven that stigma in some cases deprives a person of full status, becomes a source of prejudice, discrimination, social isolation of the stigmatized, causes low self-esteem and feelings of depression, forms a negative social identity, and complicates psychosocial adaptation. Certain steps have already been taken to ensure the protection of persons with disabilities by creating appropriate conditions for them in society and equal opportunities for the realization of vital needs, abilities, and creative potential. The article defines a system of measures aimed at improving the lives of persons with disabilities, restoring their social status, achieving material independence, and comprehensive integration into society. The authors also propose measures to remove obstacles caused by stigmatization in the way of integration of persons with disabilities into society.uk_UA
dc.subjectpersons with disabilitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectsocial integrationuk_UA
dc.titleSocial Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Ukraineuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчально-науковий інститут державного управління

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