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dc.contributor.authorKvitka, Sergiy
dc.contributor.authorBorodin, Yevgeniy
dc.contributor.authorYemelyanov, Volodymyr
dc.contributor.authorIvashova, Lіudmyla
dc.contributor.authorBohachov, Oleksii
dc.identifier.citationThe foresight of national economy's digital development / Sergiy Kvitka, Yevgeniy Borodin, Volodymyr Yemelyanov, Lіudmyla Ivashova, Oleksii Bohachov // Revista inclusions. – 2020. – Vol. 7. – Pp. 112-125.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the study of digital society’s development in developing economy, on the example of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to research the real situation and to identify further ways of digital development in Ukraine as a developing economy, on the basis of the Foresight technology and opportunities of the Foresight technology to optimize the interaction of public authorities with business and civil society in the digital society. The scientific originality of the article is in the fact that the opportunities of the Foresight use for analyzing and estimating the digital development in conditions of social transformation have been identified. The practical significance of the article is that specific mechanisms and methods for the implementation of the Foresight projects, which can be applied in Ukraine at the regional level, have been determined. The identification of main priorities for the development of digital society in Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine became the result of the study.uk_UA
dc.subjectinformation societyuk_UA
dc.subjectnational economyuk_UA
dc.titleThe foresight of national economy's digital developmentuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчально-науковий інститут державного управління

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