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dc.contributor.authorKvitka, Sergiy-
dc.contributor.authorGainutdinova, Lyudmila-
dc.contributor.authorIvanova, Svitlana-
dc.contributor.authorShvydenko, Mykhailo-
dc.contributor.authorKulishova, Olena-
dc.identifier.citationModels of management of the territorial community nature resources' rational use / Svitlana Ivanova, Lyudmila Gainutdinova, Sergiy Kvitka, Mykhailo Shvydenko, Olena Kulishova // International Conference on Sustainable, Circular Management and Environmental Engineering (ISCMEE 2021). – 2021. – Vol. 255. – Pp. 1-7.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe aim of the article is to present the results of the applied research, carried out to develop a model of land and water resources management for a united territorial community. The material was prepared on the basis of the results, which had been obtained during the implementation of the project, aimed to developing a vision for the strategy of the territory development. Within the development of the vision, the strategy for the development of the territorial community has been collected in a certain way, and then, on the basis of this information, a so-called mental experiment has been carried out based on various methods of information analysis. In particular, it gave the opportunity to develop models for the use of community's land and water resources. Local governments should rely on carefully prepared information about available resources for more effective management of territories. One of the ways to get such information is the mental experiment method used with the aim of modeling potential ways of municipal territories' land and water resources rational use.uk_UA
dc.subjectunited territorial communityuk_UA
dc.subjectmodel of land and water resources managementuk_UA
dc.subjectstrategy of the territory developmentuk_UA
dc.subjectmental experiment methoduk_UA
dc.titleModels of management of the territorial community nature resources' rational useuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Навчально-науковий інститут державного управління

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