Browsing Кафедра геології та розвідки родовищ корисних копалин by Title
Now showing items 9-28 of 347
Features of the composition and deformation of rock within the Marmarosh massif (in Ukraine)
(Kyiv, 2021)Microscopic study of rocks from fault zones reveals different types of dynamometamorphic microstructures, which were formed under compression and shear conditions: micro boudinage, mylonitization, deformation bands, ... -
Features of the structure of urate urolithiasis in inhabitants of an industrially developed region
(2023)According to the World Health Organization, the incidence of this disease has increased 1.5 times over the past 12 years. It affects one person in a hundred in the world. For many centuries, information about the symptoms ... -
Features of the structure of urinary stones in residents of industrially developed regions suffering from oxalate urolithiasis
(2023)Minerals of biogenic origin are integral elements of the structure of many living organisms. Along with genetically physiogenic minerals, pathogenic biominerals are also common. These include, in particular, urinary stones ... -
Features of vanadium geochemistry in oils from the oil and gas fields of Eastern region of Ukraine
(Інтеграл, 2022)The results of long-term studies of the geochemical features of vanadium in the oil from 36 deposits of the Eastern oil and gas region of Ukraine. Based on the results of correlation and regression analyses, the nature and ... -
Geochemical features of nickel in the oils of the dnipro-donetsk basin
(ІГТМ НАН України, 2021)The results of long-term research of geochemical features of nickel in oils from 36 deposits of the main oil and gas region of Ukraine - the Dnipro-Donetsk basin are presented: Bakhmachske, Prylukske, ... -
Geochemical peculiarities of germanium, arsenic, mercury, beryllium, fluorine and total sulfur in the c8h coal seam of the Dniprovska mine field
(2023)In the article, the authors establish and analyze the relationship between the contents of germanium, toxic elements and the total sulfur content of the coal seam of the Dniprovska Mine field. In the process of the research, ... -
Geochemistry features of mercury in oils from the deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk depth
(2024)The purpose of the article is to establish the geochemical characteristics of mercury in the oils of the active deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk depth and to create their classification according to the content of this metal. ... -
Manifestation of the phenomenon of coal enrichment with germanium of low-powered areas of the seams of the Dniprovska mine (Ukraine) and the «Zylbermints law»
(SCIENTIFIC COLLECTION «INTERCONF», 2022)The study of the germanium distribution over the area and in the cross-section of coal seams с8н, с8в, с10в of the "Dniprovska" mine made it possible to establish the presence of a very high inverse correlation between the ... -
Manifestation of the phenomenon of coal enrichment with germanium of low-powered areas of the seams of the Dniprovska mine (Ukraine) and the «Zylbermints law»
(De Boeck, 2022)The study of the germanium distribution over the area and in the cross-section of coal seams с8н, с8в, с10в of the "Dniprovska" mine made it possible to establish the presence of a very high inverse correlation between the ... -
Morphology of organomineral formations of kidneys of Dnipropetrovsk region residents
(ІГТМ НАН України, 2021)The article presents the results of morphology research of the organomineral formations of the residents of Dnipropetrovsk region and proposes the typification of uroliths according to the peculiarities of their morphology. -
Nickel in oil deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk depression (Ukraine)
(Problems of science and practice, tasks and ways to solve them. Proceedings of the ХХVI International Scientific and Practical Conference., 2022)The scientific importance of the obtained results is in the development of the natural classification of oil deposits by nickel content, the identification of typomorphic features of the oils of the considered deposits and ... -
Nickel in oil deposits of the Dnipro-Donetsk depression (Ukraine)
(Helsinki, 2022)The article contains the results of long-term research of geochemical features of nickel in oils from 36 deposits of the main oil and gas region of Ukraine - the DniproDonetsk basin. The results of correlation and regression ... -
(Mineralogical Journal (Ukraine), 2020)Coal mining is linked with such phenomena as sudden gas outburst, explosions, and ignition of coal seams. Among the preconditions for explosions, emissions and possible inflammations, the process of pyritization of rocks ... -
Results data of the regression and correlation analysis of the concentration of germanium with thickness and ashity in the coal seam C 8Н of the Dniprovska mine
(Graz, 2022)For an objective geological and economic assessment of the possibility of simultaneous extraction of germanium from coal, waste and products of its processing and planning of the most effective organizational and technical ... -
Results of correlation and regression analysis of germanium concentrations with thickness and ash content of coal seam c8b of Dniprovska mine field (Ukraine)
(Stockholm, 2022)The analysis of the result of the regression analysis of the modeling of the quadratic relationship of germanium with the ash content of the coal seam с8в of the "Dniprovska" mine clearly indicates the existence of a ... -
(International Science Group, 2022)The research actuality of studying the content of germanium in coal seams is due to the possibility of its industrial extraction and use as a valuable accompanying component. In coal, germanium belongs to the group of ... -
Results of dispersion and spatial analysis of the germanium distribution in coal seam c8B of Zahidno-Donbaska mine field (Ukraine)
(Milan, 2022)The research actuality of studying the content of germanium in coal seams is due to the possibility of its industrial extraction and use as a valuable accompanying component. The main practical value of the performed ... -
Rsenic, mercury, fluorine and beryllium in the с 1 coal seam of the blahodatna mine of pavlohrad-petropavlivka geological and industrial area of western donbas
(ІГТМ НАН України, 2021)Spatial distribution of arsenic, mercury, fluorine and beryllium in the c 1 coal seam of «Blahodatna» mine field are considered. This research associated with increasing requirements for environmental ... -
The main results of mineralogical and petrographic studies of limestones from Novoselytske deposit (Ukraine)
(Vaiga, 2022)The paper presents the results of mineralogical and petrographic studies of limestones from Novoselytske deposit (Ukraine). The main attention is paid to the mineral composition and structural features, which determine the ... -
The relationship of germanium concentrations and the thickness of the c8h coal seam of the Dniprovska coal mine
(Інтеграл, 2022)The research devoted to the study and analysis of the influence of the thickness for the с8н coal seam the Dniprovska coal mine on the content of germanium and elaboration of an objective (natural) typifying of the coal ...